Saturday, July 21, 2012

Everyone who likes the Law Firm of Marilyn Ann Solomon, past and future, will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 VISA card. The drawing will be on September 10, 2012 at noon at my office located at 130 E. Cork Street, Winchester, Virginia. You do not need to be present to win. The winner will be contacted through their Facebook user name. So please "like" the firm and get your chance to WIN $100!!!

Here's the Facebook link:!/marilynasolomon

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We won an interesting case this week involving two parents had a written agreement in 2007 that the father would deed to the mother the former marital home in exchange for $300.00 per month credit towards his child support obligation for 7 years for a total of $25,200. He deeded the house to her.
Four years later, the mother sued the father for contempt and child support arrearages for the $300.00... per month. She asked the court to put him in jail for not paying the child support. The Warren County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court held the father in contempt and found he had a child support arrearage for the full amount since 2004. The Warren County Circuit Court found dad was entitled to credit for the entire $25,200 amount pursuant to the parties' Agreement and that the father was not in contempt. The issue was whether the father was entitled to pay his child support with equity in a house instead of cash.
The court said the mother had to honor the agreement as she had the house which was also a home for the parties' child.
Another interesting case we won this week was a medical malpractice case. In that case, the patient went to the hospital having terrible back pain. She was given medicine in tbe ambulance. The doctor told the nurses to give her medicine through a shot in the muscle, but a new nurse made a mistake and gave it to her in the vein. This caused the patient to go into respitatory failure from a drug overdose and almost die. She had to be admitted to the hospital. We sued and after many discovery motions, the hospital finally settled the case.
We also won a trial in bankruptcy court. In that case, the client had stock in a club that owned hunting land. He claimed the stock was a "family heirloom" and the creditors challenged whether stock could be an heirloom. The client testified that he and his father hunted on that land when he was a child and it was filled with sentimental memories. He planned to pass the stock and hunting rights to his own child. The bankruptcy judge ruled that the stock was a family heirloom and he was entitled to exempt it from his bankruptcy estate.
We also settled a major car accident case last week. In that case, the elderly client was injured in a car accident coming back from church. She broke her wrist and her pelvis. While recovering, she was in so much pain the doctor prescribed her Ambien to sleep. She had a sleep walking episode on the Ambien, fell and broke her back causing permanent injuries and disability. The insurance company argued that the injuries from the Ambien accident were not related to the initial accident, but we proved they were and the client received the substantial policy limits.